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Columba Catholic Primary School Acknowledges the Bunurong Peoples’ of the Kulin Nation as Traditional Owners and Custodians and pay respect to their Elders past, present, and emerging.
Columba acknowledges the Bunurong’s continuing relationship to the land and waterways and respects that their connection and spiritual identity are maintained through ancient ceremonies, songlines, dance, art, and living culture.
We pay tribute to the invaluable contributions of the Bunurong and other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Elders who have guided and continue to guide our work.
HAVE YOU PAID YOUR 2024 School Fees?
Thank you to many families who have paid their 2024 school fee account.
We still have over 10% of families that have no made any payments to their 2024 fees.
Please pay your fees as soon as you can, or contact the school to talk through your options.
or contact Meg on 0356295933 (Tuesday, Wednesdays or Fridays)
We encourage all families that hold a current Concession Card to complete the paperwork for the CSEF Concession Program. Rules and conditions apply so please read the attached information carefully and if you have any questions please feel free to
contact Meg on 0356295933 (Tuesday,Wednesdays or Fridays)
We encourage all families to review the Travel Conveyance Allowance Application Form attached to see if they meet the requirements set out by the government to receive an allowance for driving their children to and from school daily. Please review the eligibility criteria carefully and if you have any questions please feel free to
contact Meg on 0356295933 (Tuesday,Wednesdays or Fridays)
Principal Message 21st February 2025
Dear Parents and guardians,
As we move into March, we are reminded of the power of community and resilience. Ash Wednesday, observed on the 5th March, is a time for reflection and marks the beginning of Lent for many. It encourages us to consider our values and how we can strive to be better individuals. This year, as we reflect on themes of renewal and growth, I am particularly drawn to the connection with our upcoming Athletics Day on March 6th.
Our Athletics Day is a wonderful opportunity for our students to demonstrate the very values we hold dear at Columba. It's a chance to celebrate perseverance as they push themselves to achieve their personal bests, inspiration as they cheer on their teammates, fairness in their play, and generosity in their support of others. These values are not just for the sports field; they are the foundation of a positive and thriving school community.
Whole School Approach to Positive Behaviour Support
At Columba, we are committed to a whole-school approach to Positive Behaviour. We believe in fostering a learning environment where every student feels safe, respected, and empowered to succeed. Our focus is on supporting students to be ready to learn – ready to engage, ready to participate, and ready to grow. This means creating classrooms where positive behaviour is explicitly taught, acknowledged, and celebrated.
I am incredibly proud of the calm and supportive learning environment we have developed so far this term. This is a direct result of the collaborative efforts of our students, teachers, and parents working together. We are all partners in this journey of continuous improvement, and I am continually inspired by the dedication and commitment I see each day. Whether it's in the classroom, on the sporting field, or at home, we are all working together to help our students flourish.
I look forward to seeing you all at our Athletics Day, cheering on our students and celebrating the spirit of sportsmanship and community.
Andrew Greco
School Photographs for 2025
Annual school photos will be taken on Monday, 3 March 2025
School Photo Information Flyers with Access Keys have now been sent home with students.
Place your order online now to ensure the special pricing,
PRE-ORDER ONLINE (orders close at 5:00 pm on the day prior)
See the packages available and place your pre-order online.
To place your order, Go to our website or scan the QR code;

Select> School Photo Pack Orders
Enter your Access Key as Provided on the flyer sent home.
Select the pack you want and complete the form.
Sibling photos are available for families with multiple children attending the school.
Sibling photos must be ordered online before 5pm the day prior.
** A complimentary family/sibling photograph is available for families who order an individual pack for 3 for more children at the same school. To be eligible, you must order all the individual packs first and then add the family photograph to the same shopping cart. The discount will be automatically applied. Bonus offer only applies to orders before 5pm the day prior to photo day.
Place your order online before 5pm the day prior, you do not need to return any paperwork.
Lost or replacement Access Keys can be requested,
Select> Student Access Code Request
Students are to be in full school uniform.
If you have any inquiries, please contact us on (03) 5942 5234
Andrew Greco
Jubilee of Artists 23rd February
What: St Joseph’s Warragul and St Ita’s Drouin & St Ignatius Neerim South parishes are hosting the Diocesan Jubilee of Artists.
Artists are invited to submit photographs of up to three art works which speak to the Jubilee theme ‘Pilgrims of Hope’. That is a church which brings about a New Creation where people can live in peace and justice.
Artists are asked to include a brief profile of themselves and the impulse behind their works.
Why: Our contribution to Pope Francis’ Jubilee of Hope.
That we may rejoice with gratitude at the creative insights artists bring to human life. That sacred art may reveal true beauty, a glimmer of the Spirit of God, which opens the human soul to a sense of the eternal.
Where: Marian Room at St Joseph’s Church, Warragul.
Jubilee Celebration Mass at St Joseph’s 11 am,
Bishop Greg’s blessing of the exhibition 12pm,
shared lunch at Teachers Centre 1pm.
a) Photo of work(s) [and profile] submitted via email by 4pm Mon 10th Feb,
b) delivery of work to Marian Room by 2pm Fri 21st Feb,
c) Exhibition date – Sunday 23rd February 2025
How: Exhibits of paintings, sculpture and other mediums as selected by the Committee need to be delivered to the Marian Room between 10am and 2pm on Thursday 20th Feb and Friday 21st Feb.
The Committee will mount and display one work from each contributor. (easels welcomed)
_What is a Jubilee?

A Jubilee Year, or Holy Year, is traditionally proclaimed every 25 years as a time of grace, forgiveness, and spiritual renewal. It invites the faithful to embark on pilgrimages, seek repentance, forgive others, and deepen their relationship with God. Rooted in the Hebrew tradition, Jubilees were celebrated every 50 years, marking the freeing of slaves and forgiveness of debts, as described in Leviticus. The first Christian Jubilee was proclaimed by Pope Boniface VIII in 1300, and since then, each Jubilee has been an opportunity for the faithful to experience God’s mercy and receive a plenary indulgence.
The 2025 Jubilee, themed “Pilgrims of Hope,” begins on 24 December 2024 with the Opening of the Holy Door of Saint Peter’s Basilica and offically concludes in Rome on 6 January 2026, the feast of the Epiphany. Locally, the Jubilee in the Diocese of Wollongong will commence with the opening of the Holy Door at St Francis Xavier Cathedral on 29 December 2024. This special celebration will feature prayers, a pilgrimage walk led by Bishop Brian Mascord, and the celebration of the Eucharist. The faithful are encouraged to embrace this Holy Year by participating in pilgrimages, prayer, eucharistic Adoration, and acts of repentance and charity, drawing closer to the limitless mercy of God.
Religious Education and Sacramental Team
The Senior classes celebrated assembly today. The theme of assembly was fairness- the value of MacKillop Green house. Congratulations to our award winners who have demonstrated this value over the past few weeks.
The next Junior assembly (grade Prep-2) will be held on
FRIDAY 7th March 2:40 PM
in the Multi-Purpose Room
lead by grade 2SH
The next Senior assembly (grade 3-6) will be held on
FRIDAY 21st March 2:40 PM
in the Multi-Purpose Room
lead by grade 3F
Parents & families are always welcome to our assemblies!
Important Information for this Fortnight
Our beginning of year Parent Teacher Interviews will be held on:
Tuesday 18th March (3:45-8 pm) in your child's classroom
Wednesday 19th March (3:40-6:00 pm) in your child's classroom
The purpose of these interviews is for your child's teacher to get to know you and for you to share information about your child. Each Interview will last for 10 minutes.
Interviews are now available to book through our schoo portal, the link is below
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to your child's teacher or email
If you have any questions around bookings, please email the office at
We understand that from time to time students need to take medication while they are at school. If this is the case, please contact the Admin Office to complete a Medication Administration Form.
We continue to work on creating more car park space for our families. I have attached a traffic map to this message to remind us all how to tackle the drop off and pick-ups in the morning. I am hopeful this will also help our new families.
We are excited to announce our upcoming Athletics Day, scheduled for Thursday the 6th of March. This event is a wonderful opportunity for our students to showcase their skills, teamwork, and sportsmanship.
To make this day a success, we are seeking enthusiastic volunteers to help with various tasks, including setting up, organizing events, and ensuring everything runs smoothly. Your support would be greatly appreciated!
If you are available to lend a hand, please email
Thank you for your support in making Athletics Day a memorable experience for our students!
Warm regards,
Danielle Sharpe
Calling All Super Parents!
Lend a Hand with Contacting Books!
We'd love for you to join us on Friday mornings in the staff room from 9am to help us contact books! It's a great way to get involved in the school community and see what goes on behind the scenes.
Starting Friday, February 28th, simply come into the administration office and let them know you're here to help with contacting. We'll direct you to the staff room where you can join other parents for a cup of tea and some book-contacting fun.
Many hands make light work, and we'd really appreciate your help in getting our books ready for the students.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Janine Kilmartin
'Pupil-free days, student-free days, school closures' are days of no school for students. These are scheduled days for either Professional Development (PD) for staff, Time In Lieu (TIL) days where staff have worked overtime, or school closures where no one is at school.
Tuesday | 18th | February |
- Pupil Free Day -Sacrament Workshop Parent Information Night, St James Catholic School Nar Nar Goon, 5:30-6:30 PM. |
Saturday Sunday |
22nd 23rd |
February |
-Eucharist Commitment Mass Sat- 6:00 PM at St. James' Church, NNG. -Eucharist Commitment Mass Sun- 11:00 AM St. Joseph's Church, Iona. |
Monday |
3rd |
March |
- School Photos |
Wednesday | 5th | March |
- Ash Wednesday - Eucharist Workshop - 5:30 PM at (TBC) |
Thursday | 6th | March |
- Athletics Day - Eucharist Workshop - 5:30 PM at (TBC) |
Monday | 10th | March | - Labour Day Public Holiday |
12th - | 21st | March | - NAPLAN Grades 3 & 5 |
Tuesday | 18th | March | - Parent Teacher Meetings - 3:45-8:00 PM |
Wednesday | 19th | March | - Parent Teacher Meetings - 3:45-6:00 PM |
Tuesday | 25th | March | - District Aths |
Wednesday | 26th | March | - Pupil Free Day |
Saturday | 29th | March |
- First Holy Eucharist Sacrament - St. James' Church, NNG at 6:00 PM |
Sunday | 30th | March |
- First Holy Eucharist Sacrament - St. Joseph's Church, Iona at 11:00 AM |
31st March | -2nd | April | - Forest Edge Camp Grade 5/6 |
Friday | 4th | April | - Last Day Term 1 (2:20 PM finish) |
Friday | 18th | April | - Good Friday Public Holiday |
Sunday | 20th | April | - Easter Sunday Public Holiday |
Monday | 21st | April | - Easter Monday Public Holiday |
Wednesday | 23rd | April | - First day of Term 2 for all students |
Friday | 25th | April | - ANZAC Day Public Holiday |
Thursday | 8th | May | - Mother's Day Event |
16th- | 23rd | May | - Catholic Education Week |
27th- | 3rd | June | - Reconciliation Week |
Wednesday | 4th | June | - Confirmation Sacrament Grade 6 |
Friday | 6th | June | - Columba Feast Day Celebration (actual feast day 9.5.25) |
Monday | 9th | June | - King's Birthday Public Holiday |
Friday | 4th | July | - Last Day Term 2 (2:20 PM finish) |
6th- | 13th | July | - NAIDOC Week |
Tuesday | 22nd | July | - First Day of Term 3 for all students |
Wednesday | 3rd | September | - Indigenous Literacy Day |
Thursday | 4th | September | - Father's Day Event |
Thursday | 18th | September | - Last Day Term 3 (3:20 PM finish) |
Monday | 6th | October | - First Day of Term 4 for all students |
Monday | 3rd | November | - SCHOOL CLOSURE |
Tuesday | 4th | November | - Melbourne Cup Public Holiday |
Thursday | 13th | November | - Sacrament of Reconciliation - grade 3 |
Thursday | 18th | December | - Last Day of Term 4 & 2025 (3:20 PM finish) |