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Columba Catholic Primary School Acknowledges the Bunurong Peoples’ of the Kulin Nation as Traditional Owners and Custodians and pay respect to their Elders past, present, and emerging.
Columba acknowledges the Bunurong’s continuing relationship to the land and waterways and respects that their connection and spiritual identity are maintained through ancient ceremonies, songlines, dance, art, and living culture.
We pay tribute to the invaluable contributions of the Bunurong and other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Elders who have guided and continue to guide our work.
'The Healing Journey' by Riki Salam.
The Healing Journey
Darkness encompasses, light is revealed, the journey is long.
Voices call out, country guides our way.
Ceremony begins, songs are sung initiation begins.
Hidden secrets revealed, this land is renewed.
Flame ignites, heat cracks seed, new life begins.
Water flows, spirit is replenished, knowledge enriches us all.
Sun rises on a new day, we come together, we are united as one -
Our journey to healing continues...
A poem by Riki Salam
For more information about this artwork:
Principal Message 7th March 2025
Dear Parents and guardians,
On Thursday we celebrated our annual Athletics Day, and it was a resounding success! It was truly inspiring to witness the incredible sportsmanship, determination, and joy displayed by our students.
Our House Values were on full show with our students, representing Fred Hollows, Cathy Freeman, Mary Mackillop, and Dylan Alcott, truly embodying the spirit of our school values. All students exemplified the importance of perseverance, compassion, and inclusivity. Just as these students vercame challenges and achieved greatness, so many demonstrated resilience and a positive attitude.
I am so proud of everyone!
I was particularly impressed by the competitive spirit and the graciousness in both victory and defeat. Itis important to remember that while winning is exciting, learning to lose with dignity is equally important. Our students embraced this principle but more so, parents who gave their child a cuddle and encouraged them to keep going. What a great learning.
I would like to extend a big thank you to all the parents and guardians who attended the event. Your presence and support significantly contributed to the day's success. Additionally, I want to express my gratitude to the dedicated Columba staff who worked tirelessly to ensure a fun and safe environment for all.
A special thanks to Danielle Sharpe, our Sports Coordinator, for her exceptional work in organizing this fantastic event. This was only her second Athletics Day at Columba, and she certainly made a significant impact in such a short time. Well done Dani!
School Review
Our school will be undergoing its scheduled four-yearly review in June 2025. This is a crucial process that allows us to comprehensively evaluate all aspects of our school's operations, including teaching and learning practices.
The review will involve a thorough examination of our achievements over the past four years, as well as a focused discussion on our goals and strategies for the next four years. We will be looking at how we can continue to improve and enhance the educational experience for all our students.
As part of this process, we will be inviting a selection of parents to share their experiences and perspectives on the school. Your valuable insights are essential in helping us understand how we are meeting the needs of our students and families.
The school review is not only an opportunity to celebrate our successes but also a chance to gain valuable feedback and identify areas for further improvement. We believe that this review will help us build upon the strong foundations we have established and ensure that we continue to provide a high-quality education for all our students.
We appreciate your ongoing support and look forward to working together to ensure the best possible outcomes for our children.
More information regarding the specific dates and details of the review process will be shared closer to the time.
Andrew Greco
Shrove Tuesday
Students ate pancakes to celebrate Shrove Tuesday.
Many thanks to our parent helpers, Gen and Lisa, for cooking and condimenting!
Ash Wednesday
Grades 4, 5, & 6, boarded buses to attend Ash Wednesday Mass at St. Joseph's church in Iona. It was great to share this special occasion with many parishioners present. For some students, this may have been the first time that they had received the Holy ashes on their forehead. We are reminded that we are made from ashes and to ashes we shall return. We are reminded that we are human in nature and through abstinence we are tested in our faith. Students are learning about the Holy season of Lent in their classrooms. Ash Wednesday marks one of the Holiest of days on the Catholic calendar. |
This Lent, we are called to Unite Against Poverty through Caritas Australia’s Project Compassion. Each family will be given a Project Compassion donation box, and by taking this into your home you’ll be answering the Gospels’ call to care for our global family and walk alongside the most vulnerable.
Your generous support this Lenten Season will enable Caritas Australia to provide life-changing support to communities facing poverty, food insecurity, lack of education, and water shortages, while building resilience against future challenges. Together, through faith and action, we can bring hope and opportunity to those most in need.
Please donate today.
You can support Project Compassion 2025 through the donation boxes
Or online at:
Or by calling: 1800 024 413
We ask all Columba families to return any boxes with donations to school in the week before the school holidays, 31st March - 4th April.
Thank you for standing with us, as we Unite Against Poverty this Lent.
Religious Education and Sacramental Team
A Window Into Learning At Columba
On Wednesday, February 26th, our students showcased their incredible talent at the Division swimming event. Every participant did an outstanding job, and we are incredibly proud of their efforts. A huge congratulations to our relay team for their remarkable performance and well-deserved 2nd place finish! Keep up the great work!
- Ms. Sharpe.
The Junior classes celebrated assembly today. The theme of assembly was Perseverance- the value of Alcott Blue house. This week we saw perseverance in action with all our students trying their very best at our school Athletics.
The next Senior assembly (grade 3-6) will be held on
FRIDAY 21st March 2:30 PM
(note earlier time to accomodate After-School Care set up in this space)
in the Multi-Purpose Room
lead by grade 3F
Parents & families are always welcome to our assemblies!
Important Information for this Fortnight
Our beginning of year Parent Teacher Meetings will be held on:
Tuesday 18th March (3:45-8 pm) in your child's classroom
Wednesday 19th March (3:40-6:00 pm) in your child's classroom
The purpose of these meetings is for your child's teacher to get to know you and for you to share information about your child. Each meeting will last for 10 minutes.
(If you have already had a PSG, there is no need to book a Parent-Teacher meeting.)
Meetings are now available to book through our schoo portal, the link is below
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to your child's teacher or email
If you have any questions around bookings, please email the office at
If you are driving to school along Hope St from the direction of the railway line, please proceed up the hill to Wattle Tree Road roundabout and join the car line along Hope Street. As you get to the front of the line choose which lane you need to progress in- Gate A line and park in one of the four spots where staff will assist your child into the car, Gate B and car park moving along in the left-hand lane. Please DO NOT TURN RIGHT into the school from Hope St. This blocks traffic and may cause gridlock or an accident.
Please do not walk children across the internal road in front of the buses.
In the interest of the students’ ongoing safety, we ask parents to walk your children along the pathway and across the internal crossing to cars parked on the opposite side of the road. Please do not walk children across the internal road in front of the buses. Children model their behaviour on the adults around them- it is extremely dangerous to walk out onto a road in front of a vehicle, particularly a bus where vision is seriously impacted.
At this time of the year, we have many new families learning the pick-up routine and during the year we sometimes have grandparents and other family member doing pick -up. Please be patient with each-other. The teachers give their time after school to ensure students get onto buses, into cars and walk or ride safely. We generally clear our 300 students in a window of approximately 10 minutes… this is due to the wonderful cooperation of our families.
Please use the family tags
If you pick up in either carline, please use the family tags sent out in recent days to assist staff organise students so they can get into their car quickly and keep traffic flowing. Either attach it to your visor or hold it up for staff to see. If you need another tag for a second car, contact the Deputy at
We have installed a new pedestrian crossing and signs at the exit of the school. Students do not walk across here alone as they are supervised across crossings by staff, but we feel this will assist families leaving the school safely by creating a visual reminder for drivers to look out for pedestrians.
Please follow the morning drop-off etiquette
If you are dropping off your child in the morning, please follow the drop-off etiquette. Pull into the spaces provided at either gate, give your child a kiss, say goodbye and move away promptly. This is not a time to park for a chat as other parents are trying to ‘drop and go’ quickly.
Calling All Super Parents!
Lend a Hand with
Contacting Books!
We'd love for you to join us on Friday mornings in the staff room from 9 am to help us contact books! It's a great way to get involved in the school community and see what goes on behind the scenes.
Starting Friday, February 28th, simply come into the administration office and let them know you're here to help with contacting. We'll direct you to the staff room where you can join other parents for a cuppa and some book-contacting fun.
Many hands make light work, and we'd really appreciate your help in getting our books ready for the students.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Janine Kilmartin
Grade 5 families
for High School!

Please find the latest enrolment updates for Marist-Sion College below:
Year 7, 2027 – Current Grade 5 Students
• Applications are open until Friday 4 July 2025
• Apply via our website
• Applications are prioritised according to the DOSCEL Enrolment Policy
Year 7, 2026 – Current Grade 6 Students
• Applications closed on 30 August 2024, but limited places remain
• Late applications accepted until Friday 4 April 2025
• Apply via our website
• Applications are prioritised according to the DOSCEL Enrolment Policy
'Pupil-free days, student-free days, school closures' are days of no school for students. These are scheduled days for either Professional Development (PD) for staff, Time In Lieu (TIL) days where staff have worked overtime, or school closures where no one is at school.
Monday | 10th | March | - Labour Day Public Holiday |
Tuesday | 11th | March | -Phillip Island Excursion Grade 2 |
12th - | 21st | March | - NAPLAN Grades 3 & 5 |
Tuesday | 18th | March | - Parent Teacher Meetings - 3:45-8:00 PM |
Wednesday | 19th | March | - Parent Teacher Meetings - 3:45-6:00 PM |
Tuesday | 25th | March | - District Aths |
Wednesday | 26th | March | - Pupil Free Day |
Saturday | 29th | March |
- First Holy Eucharist Sacrament - St. James' Church, NNG at 6:00 PM |
Sunday | 30th | March |
- First Holy Eucharist Sacrament - St. Joseph's Church, Iona at 11:00 AM |
31st March | -2nd | April | - Forest Edge Camp Grade 5/6 |
Friday | 4th | April | - Last Day Term 1 (2:20 PM finish) |
Friday | 18th | April | - Good Friday Public Holiday |
Sunday | 20th | April | - Easter Sunday Public Holiday |
Monday | 21st | April | - Easter Monday Public Holiday |
Wednesday | 23rd | April | - First day of Term 2 for all students |
Friday | 25th | April | - ANZAC Day Public Holiday |
Thursday | 8th | May | - Mother's Day Event |
16th- | 23rd | May | - Catholic Education Week |
27th- | 3rd | June | - Reconciliation Week |
Wednesday | 4th | June | - Confirmation Sacrament Grade 6 |
Friday | 6th | June | - Columba Feast Day Celebration (actual feast day 9.5.25) |
Monday | 9th | June | - King's Birthday Public Holiday |
Friday | 4th | July | - Last Day Term 2 (2:20 PM finish) |
6th- | 13th | July | - NAIDOC Week |
Tuesday | 22nd | July | - First Day of Term 3 for all students |
Wednesday | 3rd | September | - Indigenous Literacy Day |
Thursday | 4th | September | - Father's Day Event |
Thursday | 18th | September | - Last Day Term 3 (3:20 PM finish) |
Monday | 6th | October | - First Day of Term 4 for all students |
Monday | 3rd | November | - SCHOOL CLOSURE |
Tuesday | 4th | November | - Melbourne Cup Public Holiday |
Thursday | 13th | November | - Sacrament of Reconciliation - grade 3 |
Thursday | 18th | December | - Last Day of Term 4 & 2025 (3:20 PM finish) |
HAVE YOU PAID YOUR 2024 School Fees?
Thank you to many families who have paid their 2024 school fee account.
We still have over 10% of families that have not made any payments to their 2024 fees.
Please pay your fees as soon as you can, or contact the school to talk through your options.
or contact Meg on 0356295933 (Tuesday, Wednesdays or Fridays)
We encourage all families that hold a current Concession Card to complete the paperwork for the CSEF Concession Program. Rules and conditions apply so please read the attached information carefully and if you have any questions please feel free to
contact Meg on 0356295933 (Tuesday,Wednesdays or Fridays)
We encourage all families to review the Travel Conveyance Allowance Application Form attached to see if they meet the requirements set out by the government to receive an allowance for driving their children to and from school daily. Please review the eligibility criteria carefully and if you have any questions please feel free to
contact Meg on 0356295933 (Tuesdays,Wednesdays or Fridays)