Digital Technologies
ICT is used to support the learning at Columba. Our children are natives to the digital world of information and communication. Our world is electronic, instant, accessible and constantly changing.
Columba's ICT systems include:
- School provides banks of iPads and Chromebooks in Foundation – Year 2.
- School supplied Laptops in Year 3-4
- BYO iPads as 1:1 Personalised Learning Tools in Years 5-6.
All users of our Computer Network; Students, Staff and Parents, do so in agreement with our “Acceptable Use Policy for Information, Communication and Technologies”.
At Columba Catholic Primary School we understand the need for our students to have the opportunity to be exposed to the most up to date technology. Digital Technology now forms a vital part of a high quality, fully rounded education in the 21st century.
We believe that today's students think, connect and communicate differently from even several years ago. We are aware that our students live in a world where information can be accessed and shared quickly, where they can communicate with peers and create new knowledge. As technological trends continue to expand and grow, so do the needs of our students.
We have iPads available for all students from Foundation - Grade 2 to use within the classroom setting. This ensures that students can create, collaborate and have access to 'anytime, anywhere' learning. It provides all students with opportunities for rich, relevant learning that is engaging.
Years 3-6
We believe that today's students think, connect and communicate differently from even several years ago. We are aware that our students live in a world where information can be accessed and shared quickly, where they can communicate with peers and create new knowledge. As technological trends continue to expand and grow, so do the needs of our students.
This Electronic User Agreement is in place for all students from Years 3 - 6. We ask all parents to read through this agreement with their child and both parent and student to sign where indicated. Please don't hesitate to speak to your child's teacher if you have any questions.
In order to support this important curriculum area, students from grades 3-6 participate in a weekly lesson to explicitly learn digital technology skills and knowledge. This lesson complements digital learning across the curriculum within the classrooms. (see Learning and Teaching- Specialist Subjects-Digital Technologies on this website)