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Communication Apps

Communication Systems

Good communication between school and home is a key component of our partnership with all families. This occurs in multiple ways, including via email, telephone and face-to-face. Especially for new families, please find information below regarding three important communication systems.


We ask that all parents be signed up to the SZAPP. This is the primary communication tool outside of email and is used to send school messages and alerts. It is imperative that all parents use SZAPP to stay up to date with the daily operations, requirements and requests from our school. SZAPP is available from your App Store.



The Parent Access Module (PAM) provides parents on-line access to a range of functions and information specific to their child including access to school reports. It is also allows parents to provide medical details, give excursions and school activity permissions and notify the school of their child's absence.


Having trouble logging into PAM?

You can locate information on how to use PAM by clicking the following link:  



Click here to access PAM website

Our parent access module has been set up with the emails that were listed on the enrolment form. Families can set up multiple PAM accounts in this way. You can choose Forgot Password to reset your password or try the generic password 'password' but please update your password once logged in.




Currently our school has an Instagram and Facebook page, dedicated to providing the community with a window into the daily life of the school. This is a great way of receiving up to date information on up and coming events, as well as some wonderful images and clips of the learning within the school.