Message from the Principal
Dear Parents,

I am extremely proud and honoured to be entrusted with the responsibility of being the Principal of Columba, and cherish the opportunity to assist in the development of your precious little ones.
Columba is a safe place for children. They feel safe and secure within the framework of established boundaries and routines. These boundaries and routines create a peaceful and just atmosphere. The children are helped to develop an awareness of their rights and responsibilities and consequences for their actions.
I know that Columba Catholic Primary School provides an environment of positivity, openness and love where each child’s innate creativity and ability to learn and grow is nurtured. We are a family orientated school with a current enrolment of approximately 260 students. At Columba Primary School each child is valued and encouraged to reach their full potential. Just as each child is an individual with their own character and needs, so too their educational growth is unique. The teachers are committed to nurturing and developing the ability of each child through carefully planned and innovative teaching programs.
Columba has a strong Prep Orientation program and dedicated website to help new families transition their child to Primary School. For families of children commencing school in the near future, I invite you and your child to come and observe our team of students and teachers in action, and see first hand the many ways in which Columba can provide a safe learning space for your child. School tours are upon appointment (see dates), which can be made through our office at or 56295933.
Every day I see a genuine enthusiasm for learning and discovery within Columba. The educational programs are stimulating and progressive. The curriculum is strong, comprehensive and covers all educational areas. The school is well resourced and we have staff that are enthusiastic and highly professional. They bring a wealth of knowledge and commitment to their crucial task of guiding students towards a fulfilling and productive seven years of primary education. Our students' achievements are a direct result of the dedicated, professional teachers who constantly provide diverse, rich, engaging and outstanding educational programs within an environment which is caring, friendly, respective and responsive to the needs of our students.
As Principal, my door is always open to parents wishing to discuss your child's progress or anything at all related to the school.
I look forward to meeting and working with you all and please know, we welcome all students always.
Warmest Regards,
Andrew Greco